Welcome Caledonia Youth Football!
- This the new design for the 2023 Tackle Football season. Football pictures for Tackle Teams will be on Saturday, September 9 at the HS football field in the AWAY locker room.
- We will take pictures of each person for the team composite picture and for each individual player. We will also take complimentary Coach & Son photos.
- Orders placed on or before September 9 may use the code EARLYBIRD for FREE shipping directly to your home.
Schedule for Saturday, September 9:
7:30 AM - Coach Reagan's team
8:00 AM - Coach Bieszka's team
8:30 AM - Coach Hollister 7th Grade, Coaches & Players with last names fro A-H
9:00 AM - Coach Hollister - Players L-Z
9:30 AM - Coach Paoletti's team
10:00 AM - Coach Armock's team
10:30 AM - Coach Radel's team
11:00 AM - Coach Clement's team
12:00 PM - Coach Lucas's team
12:30 PM - Coach Foster's team
Ordering will be available September 1 - 12.
For more information go to https://www.kristyterhaar.com/caledonia-football-2023